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Sequences were always a favorite of mine.  I really like working with them.  Below is a list of how Number Sense uses sequences. 

(*)    Adding sequences in the form: 1 + 2 +...+ n  (*PDF*)

(*)    Adding sequences in the form: 1 + 3 +...+ 2n-1  (*PDF*)

(**)  Adding geometric sequences: a + (a + b) +...+ (a + bn)  (*PDF*)

(***) Adding sequences in the form: 12 + 22 +...+ n2  (*PDF*)

(***) Adding sequences in the form: 13 + 23 +...+ n3  (*PDF*)

(***) Adding sequences in the form: 13 - 23 + 33 -...+ n3  (*PDF*)

(***) Adding sequences in the form: 1/a + 1/a2 +...+ 1/an  (*PDF*)

(***)  Adding sequences in the form: 1/a - 1/a2 -...- 1/an  (*PDF*)

(***)  Adding sequences in the form: n(n!) + (n-1)(n-1)! +...+ 1(1!)  (*PDF*)

(***) Adding infinite sequences in the form: a + a/b + a/b2 + ...  (*PDF*)

(**) Finding the next term of a sequence  (*PDF*)

(***) Calculating the nth term of a sequence  (*PDF*)