This category is very vague. There are many things in Number Sense that are random math tricks that really do not belong to a category. For this reason I have created Miscellaneous. I would like to be able to separate these into more exact categories, but it seems impossible.
(*) Definitions (*PDF*) | |
(*) Square roots (*PDF*) | |
(**) Cube roots (*PDF*) | |
(*) Subtracting reverses (*PDF*) | |
(**) Multiplying consecutive integers by 9 (*PDF*) | |
(**) Multiplying consecutive integers by 8 (*PDF*) | |
(**) Multiplying decreasing consecutive integers by 9 (*PDF*) | |
(**) Positive integral divisors (*PDF*) | |
(**) Sum of positive integral divisors (*PDF*) | |
(**) Relatively prime (*PDF*) | |
(**) Triangular numbers (*PDF*) | |
(***) Pentagonal numbers (*PDF*) | |
(***) Hexagonal numbers (*PDF*) | |
(***) Heptagonal numbers (*PDF*) | |
(***) Octagonal numbers (*PDF*) | |
(***) Manipulating polygonal numbers (*PDF*) | |
(**) Finding remainders (*PDF*) | |
(**) Dividing by 40 (*PDF*) | |
(**) Dividing by 25 (*PDF*) | |
(**) Dividing by 9 into a mixed number (*PDF*) | |
(***) Dividing [n! - (n-2)!] by (n-1)! (*PDF*) | |
(***) Dividing [n! + (n-2)!] by (n-1)! (*PDF*) | |
(***) Solving x2 - y2 = a3, when x,y are triangular numbers (*PDF*) |