Fractions and Decimals

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This section focuses on adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and comparing fractions and decimals.  It also shows methods for changing decimals to fractions.

            * = easy            should be learned by Elementary level students

            ** = medium       should be learned by Junior High level students

            *** = difficult     should be learned by High School level students


(*)   Adding and subtracting fractions  (*PDF*)

(*)   Comparing fractions  (*PDF*)

(**) Adding fractions in the form: a/b + b/a  (*PDF*)

(**) Multiplying fractions in the form: a x a/b  (*PDF*)

(*)   Multiplying mixed numbers whose fractions add to one and whose whole numbers are the same   (*PDF*)  

(**) Multiplying mixed numbers whose fractions are the same  (*PDF*)

(**) Adding 3 fractions in the form: 1/a + 1/ab + 1/ab2  (*PDF*)

(**) Subtracting 3 fractions in the form: 1/a - 1/ab - 1/ab2  (*PDF*)

(**) Adding 3 fractions in the form: 1/n(n+1) + 1/(n+1)(n+2) + 1/(n+2)(n+3)  (*PDF*)

(**) Calculating fractions in the form: b2/(b-1)2 - 1  (*PDF*)

(**) Calculating fractions in the form: b2/(b+1)2 - 1  (*PDF*)

(**) Repeating decimals in the form: .aa..., .abab..., .abcabc..., etc.  (*PDF*)

(**) Repeating decimals in the form: .abb..., .abccc..., .abcddd..., etc.  (*PDF*)

(***) Repeating decimals in the form: .abcbc..., abcdcd..., etc.  (*PDF*)

(***) Adding 3 fractions in the form: a/b + b/c + c/d   (*PDF*)