Finding The nth Term

Home 1 + 2 + ... + n 1 + 3 + 5 + ... + 2n-1 a+(a+b)+...+(a+nb) 1 + 4 + 9 + ... + n^2 1^3 + 2^3 +...+ n^3 1^3 - 2^3 + 3^3 -...+ n^3 Add Decreasing Series Sub Decreasing Series Add Infinite Series Finding The Next Term Finding The nth Term Add Factorials

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Finding The nth Term In A Sequence:

A.  Many times instead of finding the next term in a sequence you are asked to find a specific term in a sequence.  For problems like this use the following:

1.  When asked this question, almost all the sequences will be adding a fixed number to each successive term.  (See Finding The Next Term part C)

2.  This problem I always approach from a logic standpoint.

3.  Ask yourself, what should the first term be? (This is 'a'.)  This is always equal to the fixed number that is being added.

4.  Now, how can I change the number in step 3 (by adding or subtracting a number) to equal the first term? (This is 'b'.) 

5.  Now, make an expression for the nth term using the above information:

an + b

Ex [1]  Find the 11th term of the sequence 4, 7, 10,...

a.  Notice that 3 is being added to all numbers, so the first term should be 3, then 6, then 9, etc.

b.  You need to add 1 to 3 to equal 4.

c.  So the expression is 3n + 1.

d.  The answer is 3(11) + 1 or 34.

Ex [2]  Find the 8th term of the sequence -2, 0, 2,...

a.  In this case 'a' is 2.  So normally we would count: 2,4,6,etc.  So the first term should be 2.

b.  If we subtract 4 from 2 we get -2. 

c.  So the expression is 2n - 4.

d.  The answer is 2(8) - 4 or 12.

Ex [3]  Find the 40th term in the sequence 1, 7, 13,...

a.  In this case 'a' is 6.  So the first term should be 6.

b.  If we subtract 5 from 6 we get 1.

c.  So the expression is 6n - 5.

d.  The answer is 6(40) - 5 or 235.

B.  Sometimes the question is turned around and asks what term a certain number is in a sequence.

1.  We can use the same logic as above to come up with an expression.

2.  Find the expression for the nth term of the sequence (same as above).

3.  Solve for n:  an + b = x, where x is the given number.

Ex [4]  58 is what term in the sequence 1, 4, 7,...

a.  Since we are adding by 3, 3 should be the first number.

b.  If we subtract 2 from 3 we get 1.

c.  So the expression is 3n - 2.

d.  Solve:  3n - 2 = 58.

e.  The answer is 20.

Ex [5]  105 is what term in the sequence 9, 13, 17,...

a.  Since we are adding by 4, the first number should be 4.

b.  If we add 5 to 4 we get 9.

c.  So the expression is 4n + 5.

d.  Solve:  4n + 5 = 105.

e.  The answer is 25.

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