Basic Memorization

Home Basic Memorization Fractions and Decimals Multiplying Numbers Multiplying Strategies Base Manipulation Sequences Miscellaneous Approximations Odds & Probability Geometry Advanced Algebra Trigonometry Calculus


Lets face it!!!  The hardest and most boring part of Number Sense is not learning the cool new tricks or methods; it's the tedious memorizing.  Unfortunately, memorizing is necessary to being an effective and competitive rival.  The more you can memorize, the faster and easier answering the questions on the test will be!

Here are just the "Must Have's" in memorizing.  These are what I would consider the basics whether you are an elementary student just starting, or whether you are a senior in high school!  To be effective, it would be wise to memorize more than what is here!

Fractions/decimals/percents  (*PDF*)

Roman numerals  (*PDF*)

Prime numbers  (*PDF*)

Squares  (*PDF*)

Cubes and higher powers  (*PDF*)

Divisibility rules  (*PDF*)

Order of operations  (*PDF*)

Basic conversions  (*PDF*)