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Geometry is a very diversified branch of mathematics and therefore can show up in many different forms on a number sense test.  Because of this, it is impossible to predict what kinds of questions the writers of the tests will use.  Therefore, this section is only devoted to general geometry.  As more tricks and methods emerge, this section will grow.

(**) Squares/rectangles  (*PDF*)

(**) Circles (*PDF*)

(**) Triangles (*PDF*)

(**) Parallelograms  (*PDF*)

(**) Trapezoids  (*PDF*)

(**) Cubes  (*PDF*)

(**) Spheres  (*PDF*) 

(**) Rectangular solids  (*PDF*)

(**) Cylinders  (*PDF*)

(***) Ellipses (*PDF*)

(***) Determining how many regions in a plane  (*PDF*)

(***) Distinct diagonals of a regular polygon  (*PDF*)

(***) Interior/exterior angles of a regular polygon  (*PDF*)

(***) Determining values for triangles (acute and obtuse)  (*PDF*)

(***) Polyhedrons  (*PDF*)