Odds & Probability

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Working with probabilities has always been a favorite of mine.  There are many ways that number sense uses odds and probability.  Probability is a measure of how likely an event is to occur.  Below are just some of the ways number sense uses this concept on tests.  Also included is working with combinations and permutations.

(**) Factorials (n!)  (*PDF*)

(***) Changing probability to odds  (*PDF*)

(***) P(n,r) sometimes written nPr  (*PDF*)

(***) C(n,r) wometimes written nCr  (*PDF*)

(***) Coins  (*PDF*)

(***) Dice  (*PDF*)

(***) Cards  (*PDF*)

(***) Colored balls  (*PDF*)

(***) Forming committees  (*PDF*)

(***) Arranging objects taken r at a time  (*PDF*)

(***) How many words/numbers can be made from a given set  (*PDF*)

(***) Binomial expansion  (*PDF*)