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For me, approximation problems were some of the hardest and slowest problems on the test.  Even though in number sense you are allowed a 5% window, they can still be very difficult at times. 

In general, if the answer is going to be "large" then there is a greater leniency in what you can do.  If the answer is going to be "small" the 5% window will not be very much so you need to be more accurate.

(*) Adding a series of numbers  (*PDF*)

(**) Square roots  (*PDF*)

(**) Cube roots  (*PDF*)

(***) Evaluating en  (*PDF*)

(***) Evaluating pn  (*PDF*)

(**) Multiplying 2 large numbers  (*PDF*)

(**) Multiplying 3 numbers  (*PDF*)

(**) Dividing by specific numbers  (*PDF*)

(**) Multiplying by specific numbers  (*PDF*)

(**) Raising a number to a higher power  (*PDF*)

(***)  Changing radians to degrees  (*PDF*)