Solving x^2 - y^2 = a^3





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Solving x2 - y2 = a3, Where x And y Are Triangular Numbers

A.  In this type of problem we are squaring triangular numbers which means (see Triangular Numbers):

B.  However, this is the same formula for adding 13 + 23 + ... + n3 (see Adding Cubes).

C.  Therefore, x2 - y2 = a3 means:

(13 + 23 +...+ x3) - (13 + 23 +...+ y3) = a3

The only way for this to be true is if x = a and y = a - 1

D.  So, to solve this problem, choose x = (a)th triangular number and choose y = (a - 1)th triangular number.

E.  Examples:

Ex [1]  x2 - y2 = 63, x and y are negative triangular numbers, then x = ______.

a.  For this problem we need x = 6th triangular number and y = 5th triangular number.

b.  Since we are only concerned with x, we need the 6th triangular number which is 21.  Since the answer has to be negative, the answer is -21.

c.  If the question had asked for y, the answer would have been the 5th triangular number which is 15.  Since the answer has to be negative, it would be -15.

Ex [2]  x2 - y2 = 512 and x,y are triangular numbers, then y = ____.

a.  For this problem you should know that 512 = 83.  So x is equal to the 8th triangular number and y is equal to the 7th triangular number.

b.  The answer is the 7th triangular number or 28.

c.  If the question had asked for x, the answer would be the 8th triangular number or 36.


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