Mult Mixed Numbers

Home Adding/Subtracting Comparing Fractions A/B + B/A A x A/B Mult Mixed Numbers Mult Mixed Nums (II) 1/A + 1/AB + 1/ABB 1/A - 1/AB - 1/ABB Add 3 Fractions Calculate Frac 1 Calculate Frac 2 Repeating Decimal Repeating Decimal 2 Repeating Decimals 3 A/B + B/C + C/D

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Multiplying Mixed Numbers Whose Whole Numbers Are The Same And Whose Fractions Add To 1

A. From algebra we learn: 

a b  x  a  (c – b)  =  a (a+1) + b x c – b

    c             c                          c      c     

B.  Use the following rules:

1.      Multiply the two fractions together.  This is the fraction to the answer.

2.      Multiply the whole number by that number plus 1.  This is the whole number to the answer.

       Ex [1]  4 1  x  4 3  =

                     4           4                            (mixed number).

      a)      1/4 x 3/4 = 3/16.  Write 3/16.

      b)      4 x (4 + 1) = 20.  Write 20.

      c)      The answer is 20 3/16.

       Ex [2]  9 5 x  9 3  =

                      8          8                            (mixed number).

a)      5/8 x 3/8 = 15/64.  Write 15/64.

b)      9 x (9 + 1) = 90.  Write 90.

c)      The answer is 90 15/16.

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