1/A - 1/AB - 1/ABB

Home Adding/Subtracting Comparing Fractions A/B + B/A A x A/B Mult Mixed Numbers Mult Mixed Nums (II) 1/A + 1/AB + 1/ABB 1/A - 1/AB - 1/ABB Add 3 Fractions Calculate Frac 1 Calculate Frac 2 Repeating Decimal Repeating Decimal 2 Repeating Decimals 3 A/B + B/C + C/D

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Subtracting Three Fractions In The Form:  1  -    1   -    1      

                                                                          a               ab         ab2

A.     From algebra we learn: 

1  -    1   -   1       =  b(b - 1) - 1    

     a                ab             ab2          ab2

B.     Use the following rules: 

1.      Multiply the coefficient ‘b’, by that number minus 1.

2.      Subtract 1 from step 1.  This is the numerator.

3.      The last denominator of the question is the denominator of the answer.

4.      Simplify the fraction if need be.

             Ex [1]  1  -  1  -  1  =

                       5     15    45                         (fraction).

a)      The coefficient in this case is 3.

b)      3 x (3 – 1) = 6.

c)      6 – 1 = 5.  This is the numerator.

d)      The answer is 5/45.  However, we must reduce this fraction to 1/9.

e)   The final answer is 1/9.

Ex [2]   1  -  1  -  1  =

           2     10    50                         (fraction).

   a)      The coefficient in this case is 5.

   b)      5 x (5 – 1) = 20.

   c)      20 – 1 = 19.  This is the numerator

   d)  The answer is 19/25.

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