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Working With Combinations:

A.  Combinations are often confused with permutations.

1.  A combination can be thought of as a small group of a collection of objects.

2.  In other words, if we had 4 people: A,B,C,D, one possible combination of 3 people could be ABC or ABD.

3.  Combinations come in many different forms.

a.  Some forms are obvious:

nCr or C(n,r)

b.  Other forms are not so obvious and are written as word problems making them somewhat difficult to recognize:

Ex [1]  How many 2-member committees can be formed from 6 people?

Ex [2]  How many lines are determined by 4 points, no 3 of which are collinear?

Ex [3]  How many triangles can be formed using 3 vertices of a regular hexagon?

1)  One way to know if we are dealing with permutations or combinations, is to answer one question:  Does the order matter?

2)  If the answer is yes, then we will be using combinations, not permutations.

Ex [1]  How many 2-member committees can be formed from 6 people?

a.  We have 6 people: A, B, C, D, E, and F.

b.  Can we have a committee of AB and BA and count this as 2 committees or is this just one?  Since we are talking about the same people this just counts as 1, so the order does matter.

Ex [2]  How many lines are determined by 4 points, no 3 of which are collinear?

a.  We have 4 points: A, B, C, and D.

b.  If we draw a line through segment AB and through segment BA, is this two different lines, or just 1?  It is only one, so order does matter.

Ex [3]  How many triangles can be formed using 3 vertices of a regular hexagon?

a.  We have 6 points:  A, B, C, D, E, and F.

b.  If we create a triangle ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, and CBA, are these considered different triangles or the same triangles?  They are the same, so order does matter.

B.  How to calculate combinations:

1.  This method uses factorials.

2.  There are ALWAYS fewer combinations than permutations.

3.  C(n,r) =     n!   


Ex [1]  3C2 = __________.

  1. 3!/[(3-2)!*2!] = 3!/1!*2!

  2. 3!/1!*2! = 3*2*1/1*2*1 = 3.

  3. The answer is 3.

Ex [2]  How many triangles can be formed using 3 vertices of a regular octagon?

  1. First, notice we need to calculate C(8,3) since an octagon has 8 vertices.

  2. 8!/(8-3)!*3! = 8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1/[5*4*3*2*1]*[3*2*1]

  3. 8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1/[5*4*3*2*1]*[3*2*1] = 8*7*6/6

  4. 8*7*6/6 = 8 * 7 = 56.

  5. The answer is 56.

C.  Notice as in Ex [2] part c, there will always be numbers that cancel each other out, making the problem much easier.  It is too hard to calculate 8!, then divide by 5!*3!.  You should learn to recognize how to do this to make the problem faster and easier.

D.  One property of combinations is that C(n,r) = C(n,n-r).  So sometimes we might encounter a problem that looks like:

Ex [3]  7C3 = 7Cn , n 3, then n = __________.

a.  For problems of this nature simple subtract 3 from 7.

b.  The answer is 7-3 = 4.


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