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A.  Definitions

1.  A circle is defined by the equation:

(x-a)2 + (y-b)2 = r2

where r is the radius and (a,b) is the midpoint of the circle

2.  The radius of a circle is the length from the edge of the circle to the midpoint.

3.  The diameter of a circle is the length of a segment from one edge of the circle to the opposite edge of the circle in which the segment passes through the midpoint.

4.  A chord is a segment that connects 2 sides of the circle but does not have to pass through the midpoint.

5.  A tangent line is a line that connects with a circle in exactly one point and is perpendicular with the radius at that point.

B.  Basic Memorizations

Area =

Area =

Circumference = or

Diameter =

C.  Examples

Ex [1]  The diameter of a circle is equal to the circles area.  The radius is ______.

a.  If the diameter is equal to its area then we have: (d/2)2 = d.  The only way this is possible is if the diameter is 4.  Therefore the radius must be half this amount or 4.

b.  The answer is 4.

Ex [2]  The ratio of the circumference to the area of a circle with a radius of 5 is ________.

a.  The circumference of this circle is and the area is .  So the ratio is .

b.  The answer is 2/5.


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