
Home Fractions Squares Order Of Operations Prime Numbers Roman Numerals Cubes Divisibility Rules Conversions

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Some people think that memorizing squares is a waste of time because there are easy methods to finding the squares of numbers.  However, I believe that by memorizing the squares, at least through 25, you will have a distinct advantage over those who do not.

Therefore, I believe the following squares are essential:

12 = 1

22 = 4

32 = 9

42 = 16

52 = 25

62 = 36

72 = 49

82 = 63

92 = 81

102 = 100

112 = 121

122 = 144

132 = 169

142 = 196

152 = 225

162 = 256

172 = 289

182 = 324

192 = 361

202 = 400

212 = 441

222 = 484

232 = 529

242 = 576

252 = 625

*Note: I found it helpful to memorize through 30, but 25 should be efficient.