(**) Multiplying by 111

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Multiplying By 111:

   A.  Multiplying by 111 is very similar to multiplying by 11 (see Multiplying by 11).  When multiplying by 111 you add 3 digits together instead of 2.  See below:

1.  Write down the last digit.

2.  Add the last 2 digits together.  Write the answer, carry if necessary.

3.  Add the last 3 digits together.  Write the answer, carry if necessary.

4.      Moving 1 digit at a time, move to the left and add 3 digits at a time until only the first 2 digits are left.  Write the answers and carry.

5.      Add the first 2 digits.  Write the answer, carry if necessary.

6.      Write down the first digit, carry if necessary.

   B.  Look at Ex [1] for an illustration of the above steps.

Ex [1]   8273 x 111 =_________.                       

a)      Write down 3.



      8    2    7    3

b)  7 + 3 = 10.  Write down 0, carry *1.



      8    2    7    3

c)  2 + 7 + 3 = 12 + *1 = 13.  Write down 3, carry *1.



       8    2    7    3

d)  8 + 2 + 7 = 17 + *1 = 18.  Write down 8, carry *1.



       8    2    7    3

e)  8 + 2 = 10 + *1 = 11.  Write down 1, carry *1.



        8    2    7    3

f)  8 + *1 = 9.  Write down 9.



        8    2    7    3

g)  The answer is 918303.

Ex [2]  32 x 111 =_________.

a)  When multiplying by 111, you have to have at least 3 digits for this method to work, so think of 32 as 032.

b)  Write down 2.

c)  2 + 3 = 5.  Write down 5.

d)  0 + 2 + 3 = 5.  Write down 5.

e)  0 + 3 = 3.  Write down 3.

f)  Since you do not write 0 in front of numbers, the final answer is 3552.

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