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Write down the last digit of the number.
Add the last digit to the number to its left. Write this number down, carry if necessary.
Moving left, keep adding the digit to the digit to its left. Write down the numbers, carrying if necessary.
When you reach the first digit write this number down, or add to the carried number.
Ex [1] 1752 x 11 =_________.
12* 7
___|____ |
____ |
___ |
1 7 5 2
a) Write down the 2.
b) 2 + 5 = 7. Write down 7.
c) 5 + 7 = 12. Write down 2 and carry the *1.
d) 7 + 1 = 8 + *1 = 9. Write down the 9.
e) Write down the 1 since there is nothing to carry.
f) The answer is 19272.
Ex [2] 38 x 11 =_________.
a) Write down 8.
b) Add 8 + 3 which equals 11. Write down 1, carry 1.
c) The last number is 3, but with the carried number we write 4.
d) The answer is 418.