(***) Multiplying by 101101

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Multiplying By 101101:

   A.  Multiplying a number that is less than 91 by 101101 is very simple.  Just follow the following steps:

1.  Write down the number.

2.  Multiply the number by 11 and write it down.

3.  Write down the number again.

Ex [1]  45 x 101101 =_________.

a)      Write 45.

b)      45 x 11 = 495.  Write 495.  (See Multiplying by 11)

c)      Write 45.

d)      The answer is 4549545.

Ex [2]  75 x 101101 =_________

a)  Write 75.

b)  75 x 11 = 825.  Write 825.  (See Multiplying by 11)

c)  Write 75. 

d)  The answer is 7582575.

   B.  This method is useful since it is used in Multiplying by 14443 part H.

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