
Home Limits Logarithms Derivatives Integrals Maximum & Minumum

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A.  Logarithms, usually called logs, can be a little complicated since there are so many properties to learn.  To become good at the log problems requires lots of practice.

B.  There are 2 basic logs:  logn and loge (which is written as ln and means "natural log").

1.  In general, logb x = n means bn = x and ln x = n means, en = x. 

2.  If no 'b' is given, then it is assumed the value 10.

Ex [1]  log 1000 = _______

a.  Since no value 'b' is given, b = 10.

b.  The problem is 10x = 1000.  For this to be true, x = 3.

c.  The answer is 3.

Ex [2]  log4 x = 3/2, then x = _____

a.  The answer is 43/2 = x or 8 = x.  The answer is 8.

Ex [3]  logb 81 = log2 16, then b = ______

a.  This means blog216 = 81.  So the first thing to do is to find log2 16 which means 2x = 16.  So x = 4.  So log2 16 = 4.

b.  So substituting we get b4 = 81.  So b = 3.

c.  The answer is 3.

C.  Properties Of Logs:

1.  Below are the common properties of logs.  All of these should be memorized and you should be very familiar with knowing how to manipulate them.

logn n = 1 logn 1 = 0 log a + log b = log ab
log a - log b = log a/b nlogn a = a logn (1/x) = -logn x
logna x logan = 1 log na = a x log n logn x = log x/log n

2.  There might be other properties, but these are the ones that show up on the number sense tests the most.

D.  Examples Taken From Past UIL Tests

Ex [4]  log4 27 log4 3 = _________

a.  In this problem, if we can make the 1st term be log4 3 then the problem would be easy.

b.  Change log4 27 to log4 33 = 3*log4 3.

c.  So now we have 3 x log4 3 log4 3 = 3 x 1 = 3.

d.  The answer is 3.

Ex [5]  ln 5 + ln 8 = ln 10 - ln x, then x = ______

a.  ln 5 + ln 8 = ln 5*8 = ln 40.

b.  ln 10 - ln x = ln 10/x.

c.  So we have ln 40 = ln 10/x.  The only way for this to be true is if 40 = 10/x.  So, solving for x we get x = 1/4

d.  The answer is 1/4.

Ex [6]  (log2 7)(log7 4) = _______

 a.  We know that (logb a) (loga b) = 1.  So we need to change the 2nd term to be log7 2 to use this property.

b.  Change log7 4 to log7 22 = 2*log7 2.

c.  So we have 2 x log2 7 x log7 2 = 2 x 1 = 2.

d.  The answer is 2.


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