Inverse Functions

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Inverse Functions:

A.  An inverse of a function, usually written as f -1(x), is a reflection of the original function, f(x), around the line y = x.  Basically, every x value is changed to a y value and every y value is change to an x value.

B.  To find a function's inverse, simply switch the x and y variables and solve for y. 

C.  Number sense usually deals with inverses in one of three ways:

1. The inverse of the function: f(x) = ax + b, is: f -1(x) = x-b/a or 1/ax - b/a.

Ex [1]  If f(x) = 2x + 4 and f -1(x) = ax + b, then a = ____.

a.  For 'a' the answer is 1/a or 1/2.

b.  If the question had asked for 'b' then the answer would be -b/a or -4/2 = -2.

Ex [2]  If f(x) = x - 5, then f -1(3) = ______.

a.  In this problem we have to first find f -1(x) then find f -1(3).

b.  f -1(x) = x + 5.   So f -1(3) = 3 + 5 = 8.

c.  The answer is 8.

2.  . Notice, b and c remain the same and d and a are switched and their signs are changed.

Ex [1] 

a.  In this problem 'c' stays the same, so c = 2.

b.  If the problem had asked for 'a' the answer would have been -(-4) or 4.  'b' stays the same, so 'b' = 4.  'd' would be -3.

Ex [2]

a.  In this problem we have to find f -1(x) first.

b.  If you notice, f -1(x) = f(x).  There is no change.  So all we have to do is plug in 4 to the equation.  Doing so gives 3(4)+5/4-3 = 17.

c.  The answer is 17.

3.  For this last type of problem, you need to switch the x and y variables and solve for y to find the inverse.

Ex [1]  If 3x - 4y = 2 and y-1 = ax + b, then a = ____.

a.  In this case switch the x and y variables and solve for y.  So we get 3y - 4x = 2.

b.  Solving for y we get 3y = 4x + 2 or y = 4/3x + 2/3.

c.  The answer is 4/3.

Ex [2]  If 5y + x - 2 = 0, and y-1 = ax + b, then b = _____.

a.  Switching the x and y variables we get 5x + y -2 = 0.

b.  Solving for y we get: y = -5x + 2.

c.  The answer is 2.


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