A. Changing a base 10 fraction to a base b decimal is not very difficult:
1. If changing a base 10 decimal to a base b decimal, first change the decimal to a fraction and follow the steps below.
2. When changing a fraction to a base b decimal, you will usually have a fraction that has a denominator of b, b2 or b3.
3. If the denominator is b, change the numerator into base b and then divide by 10.
4. If the denominator is b2, change the numerator into base b then divide by 100.
5. If the denominator is b3, change the numerator into base b then divide by 1000.
Ex [1] 4/25 =_________5.
a) Notice the denominator is 52.
b) 4 in base 10 is 4 in base 5.
c) Divide by 100 and we get .04.
d) The answer is .04.
Ex [2] 9/64 =_________4.
a) Notice the denominator is 43.
b) 9 is base 10 is 21 in base 4. See base 10 to b.
c) Divide by 1000 and we get .021.
d) The answer is .021.
Ex [3] .555... =_________9.
a) Before we can do this problem we must change .555... into 5/9. See repeating decimals.
b) Notice the denominator is just 9.
c) 5 in base 10 is 5 in base 9.
d) Divide by 10 and we get .5.
e) The answer is .5.