Math Magic: Number Sense Revealed

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You have reached Math Magic's Number Sense Revealed home page!!!  This site has over 190 files with many many tricks and tons of examples.  This site has been designed to help those who would like a good site to use as a reference to all of their number sense questions.  This site has many number sense tricks and methods for high school, middle school, and elementary students who enjoy taking the UIL or TMSCA tests. 

You should be able to find the answer to any question you may have.  If not, feel free to email me or try the forum.  Just so you know, new problems released on the current year WILL NOT be made available until AFTER the UIL state meet in May.

Can't find what you are looking for?  Try browsing according to its difficulty level: 

Browse By Level Difficulty

If you want to view the pages in .pdf format (which is better for printing), you can download the file by right-clicking the link and selecting the "Save Target As..." option, or you can wait for the files to appear (Note: this option takes longer).  You will need a PDF Reader to view them.  You can find one here...Adobe Acrobat Reader.  If there is a page in which the formatting is off, try viewing its .pdf file.

Be sure to look at all the pages, even if you think you know how to do them.  Some of the tricks are easier in special circumstances and some are done in an unconventional way.

If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions you can email me at:


About Me

Downloads (This page has UIL Number Sense Tests from 1986 - present)

Fun With Numbers  (Learn something new about yourself!!!)

Basic Conversions


Don't forget to Bookmark This Page


Have a specific question about a problem or want to see what others have to say...Try the forum:

Number Sense Forum


Last Modified:  May 23, 2004


Dewayne Jones

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